Spacenoodles are FREE outer space greeting cards. Children's outer space coloring books ..teaching children the great universe that gave them life. Thrilling SCIFI ebooks with time machine adventures to ancient Rome, circa 79AD. Time machine thriller to the future, 3000AD. Most amusing Romantic comedy..a true Navy story. Great blues music album titled Hank Curci Collection.. boogie woogie, honky tonk and classics.
Wednesday, September 30, 2015
The Speed Of Light Can Go Around The World 7.5 Times In One Second..And Take You To The Future..Not SCIFI..By Hank Curci, SCIFI Ebook Author
A Trip To The Future
A Trip To The Future
The Ultimate Beauty Formula…
Don’t Go To The Makeup Cosmetic Counter For Your Beauty Treatment.
Get A Really Fast Scooter, Go The Speed Of Light ( 186,000 miles/second which is Around The World 7.5 Times Per Second ) for six weeks.
You Will Come Back To Earth Only Six Weeks Older.
Your Baby Sister Who Was Only 5 Years Old When You Left On Your Six Weeks Tour At The Speed Of Light Will Be A Grand Mother Of Three Grown Children With A Great Grand Child On The Way…
You Of Course Will Come Back To A World Some Fifty Years In To The Future, A World Totally Unknown To You.
This All Sounds Like SCIFI But It’s Not..It’s Quite Real..
It Was Albert Einstein Who Gave Us This Stark Realization Of Time Disparagement And You Can See His Work Below…
Fun Spacenoodles Online Store.
Click On Little Green Lady.
Monday, September 28, 2015
Hank Curci’s Outer Space Little Green People Evolving For Millions of Years.
Little Green People Evolving For Millions of Years.
See Little Green People’s Home And Their Outer Space Family.
Little Green People In Spacenoodles Outer Space Coloring Books.
Click On Little Green Lady..
End Transmission
Saturday, September 26, 2015
Hank Curci’s Space/Time Continuum Journey To Deep Space Star Cluster NGC 5139.
Wonderful Outer Space Life Has Been Found 17,000 Light Years Away.
Click On Sunny Rosetta’s Picture To See Her Outer Space Family.
FREE Outer Space Greeting Cards At:
Friday, September 25, 2015
Thrilling Subspace Frequency Warp Field..By Hank Curci, SCIFI Author
Subspace Frequency Warp Field
Futuristic Space/Time Continuum Adventure..
Circa 3000AD
John Moore is persuaded into taking the newly married, 23 year old, 79 AD, Ancient Roman couple back to modern day San Francisco, 1963, in the time machine, for the mother of all honeymoons with intent of sending them back to 79 AD Rome in two weeks.
The time machine malfunctions and sends the young, 23 year old Roman newly weds, Glacus and Ruth, into the year 3000 AD.
Roman Honeymoon is then about what happens to Glacus and Ruth in the year 3000 AD, three thousand years in to their future.
Click On Picture For Thrilling Subspace Frequency Adventure To The Future, Circa 3000AD.
Wednesday, September 23, 2015
Look In Mirror And See An Evolutionary/Biological Masterpiece…By Hank Curci, SCIFI Author.
Biological Masterpiece…
The great universe has made a human being with many special parts all coming from orbiting space debris some 4.5 billion years ago.
One special part is music and now see and hear the beautiful voice of Sarah Brightman singing Music Of The Night from Phantom of the Opera….
Free Outer Space Greeting Cards:
End Transmission
Tuesday, September 22, 2015
Our Wonderful Gift Of Life..By Hank Curci SCIFI Author
Our Wonderful Gift Of Life.
Life a Biological Masterpiece.
A Most Amazing Wonder Of Mother Universe Extraordinaire .
Find someone to love and bring another “Biological Masterpiece” in to the cosmos so they can have our wonderful gift of life….
Fun Spacenoodles Online Store at:
Computers Evolving Across The Intellectual Threshold Of Awareness...By Hank Curci, SCIFI Author.
Computers Evolving Awareness.
HARDWARE was an ordinary digital computer.
Until one day a simple programming change, quite by accident, restructured his latticework of logic.
This propelled him into the threshold of awareness…
He now knows the pain of loneliness and the joy of love.
Read More..
With Out Electromagnetic Energy: No Songs From Beautiful Planet Earth…No Hope For Life…By Hank Curci, SCIFI Author..
No Hope For Life.
With Out Electromagnetic Energy
Read More:
End Transmission
Monday, September 21, 2015
Long before station wagons dotted the miles between Howard Johnson motor lodges, Wally Byam, ’21, inventor of the Airstream, put Americans on the road to almost anywhere they wanted to go.
Airstream put Americans on the road..
Wally Byam, ’21, inventor of the Airstream, put Americans on the road to almost anywhere they wanted to go. |
Read More..
End Transmission
Sunday, September 20, 2015
Space/Time Continuum Thriller: Exciting Time Machine Adventure To The Future…Circa 3000AD..By Hank Curci.. SCIFI Author
Friday, September 18, 2015
Intergalactic News: The Outer Space Rosetta Stone…Reading An Alien Transmission…By Hank Curci SCIFI Author
Reading An Alien Transmission
The Milky Way Galaxy Is Nine Billion Years Old.
We Should Have Received A Message By Now but may not have recognized it as an Intelligent Communique.
Reading An Alien Transmission
The Outer Space Rosetta Stone computer for interpreting alien messages from outer space, has received a jump in the usual radio frequency noise but did not recognize it as an intelligent message.
Interpreting An Alien Message From A Non Human Life Form, a message we may have already received but did not recognize it as intelligent.
The Milky Way Galaxy is nine billion years old, we should have received a message by now…
Maybe a message from these life forms from the Centauri Globular Star Cluster NGC 5139 http://www.spacenoodles.com
Send Hank Curci A Comment
End Transmission
Thursday, September 17, 2015
Hank Curci With Intergalactic News: Outer Space Distress Call Coming In On Sub Space Frequency From Star Cluster NGC 5139…Sent 16,000 Years Ago…Part II
Large Home Star Going Nova Destroying Life On Three Orbiting Planets.
Live DNA Molecules Exploding Into Interstellar Space..
This Outer Space DNA Traveling through interstellar Space for millions of years has randomly landed on a new planet, 16,000 Light Years away, and new life has begun.
Click On Picture Of …
Little Green Lady From Outer Space To See Her Star Cluster Family:
See New Outer Space Life In Intergalactic Children’s Coloring Book..
Click On Coloring Book Cover Below:
End Transmission From
Deep Space Star Cluster NGC 5139.
The Moon Is Destabilizing Planet Earth. Cycling Away At 1.5 Inches Per Year..Species Extintion Expected..By Hank Curci, SCIFI Author.
The Moon Is Destabilizing Planet Earth.
Great Tidal Waves And Species Extinction Expected.
In a few million years Moon will be gone and planet earth will undergo dramatic biological extinctions.
The earth will wobble on it’s 23 degree axis causing great tidal waves and wild weather swings…
Moon Destabilizing Planet Earth.

Hank Curci discusses the importance of having the moon in orbit about Planet Earth.
Without the moon we would not be here.
Planet Earth’s evolution would still be in the blue-green algae stage as was found some three billion years ago.
The early moon’s ( three billion years ago ) gravitational effect on Planet Earth caused huge oceanic tidal wave effects bringing to the surface many underground minerals whose chemistry contained the necessary organic properties to begin carbon based life as we find all around us today.
At that time the moon was orbiting some 50,000 miles away and hence the gravitational effect was much stronger than today where the moon is now 250,000 miles away.
The moon is moving away from us a few inches per year and in another million years it will be so far away as to be essentially non effective.
This will considerably change conditions on Planet Earth to the point where current life may not be able to survive the change and hence humans will have to adapt or perish in to the window of extinction.
Hank Curci estimates that the natural Human Being will be gone by 2200AD via Self-Induced Extinction caused by the advent of synthetic genetics.
Hence these synthetic life forms consisting of computerized DNA will be genetically engineered to resist environmental changes.
Further, it is expected that by year 2250AD great cities will now be in orbit.
These Orbiting communities will be housing a general population of synthetic life forms offering protection from a destabilizing Planet Earth and solar radiation from our star the sun.
Hank Curci’s FREE Outer Space Greeting Cards at:
Monday, September 14, 2015
Teaching Children The Great Universe That Gave Them Life...By Hank Curci, SCIFI Author.
Quality Family Time Together
Life From The Stars
Teaching Children The Great Universe That Gave Them Life.
The Spacenoodles characters found in Spacenoodles Outer Space Coloring Books come from the Centauri globular star cluster situated some 17,000 light years away and whose scientific name is NGC 5139.
The characters live in a region of the cluster where the stars are about 3 to 5 light years apart and have been evolving for millions of years by skip-hopping from a dying star to a new one just starting out.
The Spacenoodles Coloring Books are derived from the successful website called.
This fun web site are FREE Outer Space Greeting Cards Teaching Children The Great Universe That Gave Them Life.
Click On Coloring Book Page Samples.



Wednesday, September 9, 2015
Reality Check: Today Is The First Day Of The Rest Of Your Life..What Are Your Plans? By Hank Curci, SCIFI Author
Reality Check:
There is freedom in Truth..
You Must Have The Courage To Do your Karma.
The One Thing That Is Buried Deep In Your Soul..
You will never be free till you do.
A lawyer who hated being a Lawyer but always wanted to be a Rock Star now has his own rock band and is blissfully happy..he had the courage to do his Karma…
Click On Picture To Send This Outer Space Greeting Card..
FREE Outer Space Greeting Cards.
Monday, September 7, 2015
Thrilling Subspace Frequency Warp Field..By Hank Curci, SCIFI Author.
Subspace Frequency Warp Field
Futuristic Space/Time Continuum Adventure..
Circa 3000AD
John Moore is persuaded into taking the newly married, 23 year old, 79 AD, Ancient Roman couple back to modern day San Francisco, 1963, in the time machine, for the mother of all honeymoons with intent of sending them back to 79 AD Rome in two weeks.
The time machine malfunctions and sends the young, 23 year old Roman newly weds, Glacus and Ruth, into the year 3000 AD.
Roman Honeymoon is then about what happens to Glacus and Ruth in the year 3000 AD, three thousand years in to their future.
Click On Picture For Thrilling Subspace Frequency Adventure To The Future, Circa 3000AD.
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